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Academic Studies Press

  • Call for Manuscript Proposals (Academic Studies Press)

    Academic Studies Press is looking for manuscript proposals in Russian studies for our series “Cultural Revolutions: Russia in the Twentieth and the Twenty-First Centuries.” This series, edited by Boris Wolfson from Amherst College, is active from 2009 and steadily produces at least one book a year, presenting lively scholarly dialogue about events, figures, ideas, and cultural artifacts that have defined modern Russian culture. We welcome monographs, thematic collections, anthologies, as well as scholarly guides to authors/thinkers, periods, historical events, and texts that examine the literary, visual and material culture of the “long” twentieth century-from one fin-de-siècle (1890s) to the other (2000s). This series is designed to gather some of the most far-reaching studies in literature, history, visual art, film, theater, and anthropology, to frame key questions that will animate scholarship of twentieth-century Russia for decades to come.

    All submitted manuscripts will go through double blind peer review. In-house copyediting, indexing, proofreading and cover art are provided. The process of production, from first submission to book release, will take approximately nine to twelve months. To reach all interested readers, Academic Studies Press will also invest in a marketing campaign, which will include flyers, free review copies, online publications at our website and in social networks, and presentations at relevant conferences. We also make active use of digital representation, and will happily offer the option of uploading the texts to our open access platform in order to increase their visibility.

    To submit a proposal, please send a short description of your project (up to 1000 words) to Kate Yanduganova at You are also welcome to visit our webpage to discover more series in various branches of Slavic and Jewish studies that are currently open for proposals.